Use regripper to analyse Windows registry

Installation of regripper in Debian stable

Regripper is not available in Debian stable, so download the deb-File manually:

Download regripper in Debisn sid/unstable

If you are not doing the analysis locally, copy the deb-File to the system you want to install it:

scp regripper_3.0*.deb admin@forensic:

Install the regripper deb package manually and fix missing dependencies:

sudo dpkg -i regripper_3.0*.deb
sudo apt-get install -f

Structure of the Windows Registry

The Windows registry is not a single large file on the hard drive, but a collection of files called hives. Each hive then contains a registry tree.

Hive Description
NTUSER.DAT User specific information
SAM User Information
SYSTEM Windows Settings
SOFTWARE Software Settings
SECURITY Security Policies

Storage Location of the Hives

Finding the location of each hive file can be easily done by find:

find /mnt/ -name NTUSER.DAT

Regripper Syntax

The tool regripper can now be executed on each hive file separately. It has hive specific plugins but also some quick options:

Rip v.3.0 - CLI RegRipper tool
Rip [-r Reg hive file] [-f profile] [-p plugin] [options]
Parse Windows Registry files, using either a single module, or a profile.

  -r [hive] .........Registry hive file to parse
  -d ................Check to see if the hive is dirty
  -g ................Guess the hive file type
  -a ................Automatically run hive-specific plugins
  -aT ...............Automatically run hive-specific TLN plugins
  -f [profile].......use the profile
  -p [plugin]........use the plugin
  -l ................list all plugins
  -c ................Output plugin list in CSV format (use with -l)
  -s systemname......system name (TLN support)
  -u username........User name (TLN support)
  -uP ...............Update default profiles
  -h.................Help (print this information)

Analyze NTUSER.DAT with regripper

We do now for example analyze or export the user specific information from the windows registry and its hive file NTUSER.DAT:

regripper -r /mnt/xvdc3/Users/admin/NTUSER.DAT -g -a

Last modified: April 21, 2023

binsec GmbH
binsec GmbH is a consulting firm for information security and was founded in 2013 by security experts. Our team consists of experienced, certified specialists with different areas of expertise. Due to our extensive expertise in many different IT security fields, we can support our customers with a wide array of issues. Most of our customers are medium-sized companies, for whom security is pivotal to success.